Sunday, November 15, 2009

Egypt was Founded by Nubians

In the last blog, I explained away the UFO theory. Pyramids and a Pharaoh structure of government--including simple writing techniques, mining and city development began in Nubia at least two hundred years before Egypt.

Egyptians were certainly not European white--they were every shade of color from dark ebony to light skinned.

"We might ask, "What color were the ancient Egyptians?" Being on the continent, Egypt has always been an African civilization though it straddles two regions, Africa and the Middle East. It's fairly clear that the cultural roots of ancient Egypt lie in Africa and not in Asia. Egypt was a subtropical desert environment and its people had migrated from various ethnic groups over its history (and prehistory), thus it was something of a "melting pot," a mixture of many types of people with many skin tones, some certainly from the Sub-Saharan regions and others from more Mediterranean climes. It is impossible to categorize these people into the tidy "black" and "white" terms of today's racial distinctions. The Egyptians are better classified using evidence of their language and their material cultures, historical records, and their physical remains because so-called "racial" identification has been elusive...Skulls have been measured and compared and DNA tests attempted in various forms, but conclusions are few. Skulls are more similar to those found in the Northern Sudan and less similar to those found in West Africa, Palestine, and Turkey. It seems that there has been some genetic continuity from Predynastic time through the Middle Kingdom, after which there was a considerable infiltration into the Nile Valley from outside populations. That the Egyptians by and large were dark is certain, and many must have been what we today call "black." (Orcutt, Larry. What Race Were the Ancient Egyptians? 2000).

To read the entire article, click here.

There was no such thing as racism. This is an invention of Europeans and it is a part of our society still to this day. Racism is not an aspect of this blog but it will have to be--because of racism, Nubia's great civilization was wiped out of the history books.

But first--the next blog will give evidence on how Nubians created Egypt.

1 comment:

  1. This is very wishful thinking in terms of the melting pot theory. If you read books like Wallis Budge's "The Gods of the Egyptian" Vol I&II, you get the clear picture that these people were very ethnocentric.

    Secondly, they painted themselves black, ie. like any other group of blacks you would find on the continent of Africa, so that ranges from dark skin to light brown, but you would never confuse them with anything but black. This is going by what you see on the paintings on the wall. You do see them painting women lighter than men, but that is something that you see ALL over Africa, even today ie women being painted lighter than the men, even if they are not. This is a African culture trait.

    You don't start getting so called "Mediterranean" types in Kemet/Ancient Egypt until the advent of Greeks coming in and mixing with the population, and that happens around 5th century BCE.
