Tuesday, October 13, 2009


As I get more and more into Nubia, I discover things I only thought:

Get this one--

Africans crossed the Atlantic Ocean to trade with the new world as earlly as 7000 BC. In fact, some of the earliest inhabitants of the new world may have been West Africans who, it seems to me, were an offshoot of the Nubian Empire.

7000 BC--9000 years ago.

Check out the Washitaw people.

Check out the ancient cave drawings.

Africans may have even landed in California 10,000 years ago.

You can find out more from Paul Barton in the October 2004 issue of New Africa.

Now The Nubian Detective is in search of the very same journal cited above. Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. Oldest skull found in S. America is "negroid" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6IrMjfbh6E&feature=share&list=PLO2FP0TSyqsYLYNdEL3bMOEUr5dJxW8Ho&index=1
