Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Washitaw Nation

"Rev. RaDine Amen-ra, author of "The Forgotten Truth Behind Racism in America: The Hidden Ancestral Identity of the Black American, Vol. I," agreed. She said the new fertile homeland (the Americas) was given to the "Black American Moundbuilders" as promised land, before floods separated the East from the West."

And another quote from the same article:

"One man who organizes around a similar argument is Dr. Malachi Z. York (a.k.a. Amunnubi Raa), leader of the United Nuwaubian Nation of the Moors. He leads a community that is based in Eatonton, Ga. He is building a replica of Ancient Egypt there that sits on close to 500 acres, according to Brother Howard Jones (a.k.a. Meduty Khefe-Re). They teach that Nuwaubian is derived from the word Nuwba (Nuba), in Southern Sudan, which would include Ethiopia, Uganda and Kenya. The root word for Nuwaubians, Nubians and Nabi is Nub, or Nuwb, meaning "color inclining to Black ... kinky or woolly-haired people," York wrote in his book, "Let's Set the Record Straight!"

"York described the Olmec civilization, the oldest high culture in the Americas, as "the original woolly-haired, dark olive-toned people who originally came from Nuwba of South and Central Africa They arrived in the Americas long before the Christian era, but that would have been long after the arrival of those given the promise before the floods."

--Were original Americans Black Muurs?.
Authors:Muhammad, Lamont.
Source:New York Amsterdam News; 01/04/2001, Vol. 92 Issue 1, p36, 1/2p

My take:

If you can believe in Noah's Ark and the splitting of the Red Sea by Moses, why not this?

Unfortunately, a great flood did not break apart the continents so I have to believe the claims are not viable because they are not open to enough evidence--evidence by anyone.

Were Africans here before Columbus? Sure, there is evidence for that, but is there any real evidence the Mound Builders were Africans who settled here? I do not know, but I'm willing to listen and read and view the evidence.

As for the Olmecs? I am still waiting for more evidence--so bring it on.

1 comment:

  1. these ppls are not african they're pacific islanders and australian aborigines aka lemurians. africnas were never promised any land nor build any mounds. the lies must stop.
